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Showing posts from October, 2011

Monday, October 3. Looking, Staring, Glaring Lady

Ok so.  When you are sleep walking your way to a dead end job at 7:00 in the  morning, you tend to notice things no one else does because you are moving in slow motion and have more time to observe the craziness around you. Let's talk about Staring, looking, scanning lady. My train pulled into a station and I tried wearily to hold my head up without reaching up and doing it physically.  I didn't get a seat on the train and thus stood staring out the dirty window of the train car onto the wooden bench on the platform crowded with people.  One woman stood out.  No, she was not oddly dressed petting a skunk on her lap and eating with her feet like some New Yorkers. Hey! I'm sayin' it happens! But what made her interesting was that she was beautiful, was very well dressed, and had hair and make up to envy.  (What? I'm into hair and make up! I'm SO friggin cute in this picture! Thanks Lady Leo Hair Salon in Brooklyn!) But seeing another woman with herself put...