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Showing posts from August, 2011

Tuesday, August 30. Somewhat peaceful & Mostly Uneventful...

Ok so.  I have to be honest.  When I was a flight attendant, I used to pray before every take off, that my trip be peaceful and uneventful.  I mean, think about thank you!! I'd do my service, then do my homework or read my InStyle magazine and be content. So When I quit, the habit, unfortunately didn't stick. This rushing to wait for a train thing is a whole other world to me. So since I forgot to ask that things be uneventful,  I went through some of the most unimaginable things you can picture.  (See my other blog-- The Receptionist ) Now, I'm takin' it back to the days of old.  So this morning, I said a quick prayer, and I was off. The commute started off with "time" deciding to speed up on me, and as I am trying to get the antibiotic (pill) down my cat's throat, (he caught himself a little staff infection) I realize I need to leave immediately in order to be on time.  He swallowed it. I scream at the hubby...

Monday, August 29. I know They Said Delays But It Is Coming, Right?

Ok so. In lieu of the hurricane that passed over the entire East coast this past weekend, the NYC MTA was shut down in case of flooding and other electrical problems.  I think that was very smart of them.  They announced on Sunday that they should have everything up and running for Monday morning's commute, however, they warned us to expect delays.  Now, I have to tell you that the MTA says to expect delays anytime something normal rains, there's a Yankees game, the President's in town (as if he is riding the train), the sun shines. (You get the idea.) So it didn't move me to leave any earlier that 20-30 minutes.  My commute is only 22 minutes long, once a train picks me up; and since I don't have to be at work until 8:00, I thought arriving to the train platform at 7:08 AM was doing something special! I mean let's face it... in order to get up, get dressed, feed the cat, kiss the hubby, get out the door, walk/run 3 1/2 blocks, swipe my metro card,...

Friday, August 26 Pt.2. Bicyclists Command The Road

Ok so.  After I get shoved on the train this morning and am trying to be the best God fearing person I can and don't hit her over the head with my cans of tuna I am carrying to work, I walk outside and see a bicyclist racing up 6th Avenue, almost as fast as the yellow cabs are going.  He's got on his cute, colorful bicyclist these:  Cyclists (I got that pic online--these weren't the guys) and he's yelling at the cars to move outta his way. Seriously.  He's so loud that us walkers are looking at him to see what's all the commotion.  He even smacked the window of one car with his hand as they rode in the same direction.  The cab driver laughed.  I'll bet he was saying to himself, "I can easily run over you with my car, but I don't want the drama today... Maybe another time we meet again." Lesson:  Yell at cars and make them move outta your way!  Nah.  Share the road.  Cars are a tad bit bigger than bicycles so maybe y...

Friday, August 26. The Golden Seats That Cleanse and Renew

Ok so. I don't know if you know this, but the seats on the subway are coveted because they are rumored to have healing powers! It is rumored that they cleanse, renew, and change people's mundane lives into something resplendent and new!  And all you have to do is sit in it! That's why everyone runs, leaps, and pushes to get to one. This morning, I'm minding my business and standing where I always stand on the train platform, because I know from experience where the door will be when the train stops. (Because I'm smart like that.) As the doors open and I begin to walk into the car, a woman who had been standing to my right tries to bogart me and starts shoving into me, shoulder to shoulder as I walk into the train.  It's as if she is trying to beat me to the million dollars at the end of the rainbow... I'm sleep walking but I'm a pretty strong girl so I just keep walking as if it's not happening.  There are people trying to get off the train so she ...

Thursday, August 25. And I Left Early For What?

Ok so.  I get up on time, after only getting three hours of sleep.  I got very little sleep because I braided my hair last night and it took a very long time. I did those double-stranded mini twists. It looks so good! (If I do say so myself!) But it took me a very long time to complete it, and complete it I did because I kinda work in the corporate world and I don't think it wise to show up with half your head done... Kinda 80's punk rockish. :-) Which I'm convinced would look very cool, in my personal life. But back to the story. So I get myself out of the house early (How I did that I will never know...) and to the train platform, excited that I am early and just might get a seat today. So I stand there and wait for a train to come.  As I wait, I start day dreaming about all kinds of things. I'm a newly wed (Thank you, thank you! You're very sweet to think that's cool and wish me well!) so I am thinking about my husband, and last night, :-), and his lovely mo...

Wednesday, August 24. Big And Tall Man With A Cane

Ok so.  I'm sleep walking my way to work and praying that I get a seat on the overcrowded train that I never get a seat on. Hopeful, I step into the car when the conductor opens the doors, and glance quickly around. Those of you not familiar with NYC transit (MTA) may not understand why you have to hurry up and sit down when there is a seat available.  Let me explain.  If you spot a seat, and you are two short steps away, please know that although you may be a closer distance to the seat than the man, woman, or child at the other end of the car, you may get knocked out of the way and end up standing--or trying to, as the moving train car jerks you back and forth like a tiny ship tossed at sea. The person who seatjacks you does not even make eye contact with you.  He/she sits triumphantly and either snoozes, reads, or stares off into space--as many New Yorkers do...maybe taking a moment to figure out how to pay the increasingly high rent in the City. (New Yorkers cal...

Tuesday, August 23. Are You Serious?! Who Would Do That?!!

Ok so.  I know I said the first blog posting would be gross but this one takes the cake. I don't even know that I should mention cake in the body of this post... You may not want to eat after you read this one.  Those of you with a weak stomach, just move on now.  Everyone else may want to read this as it ends in a very important warning. I rush up the block, get on the train, actually get a seat, ride to my stop in Manhattan, get off the train, am rushing up the stairs to the freedom of the outdoors, and run into a massive people traffic jam.  I'm thinking, "Oh come on! I'm finally early and you guys are piddling around at the exit?!" What gives, I wonder. Well I soon find out. Someone decided to leave all of us commuters a few big fat, brown, smelly insults on nearly all of the stairs leading to the outdoors. They were all over the stairs.  If you stepped left on one, you would have to hop over the next stair and immediately step right before you foot lands....

Monday, August 22. Did I Really Just See That?! Ewww

Ok so I am waiting on the train platform for the Q train, and letting all others pass by because I want to go directly home and not have to switch trains. As I am standing there, a train stops and I let my eyes wander over the diversity of people types (hahaha people types) sitting/ standing on the train. It's not full so I can see everyone very well.  Since it is still summer, and I am into shoes I glance at the people's feet.   One man in particular catches my eye because he has his leg crossed--the man way--and he is frantically digging in between his toes.  He has on something similar to Teva sandals so all of his toes are out and have probably made friends with the dirty New York sidewalk, where people spit and animals poop and pee (And some people too...explanation to come in a later blog.)  I watch this man with growing curiosity because as he desperately digs in between his big and second toe, he starts picking at the skin around the outer edge of the t...

About This Blog

I am inspired. I am completely and utterly convinced that my purpose on earth is to affect a positive change in the minds of men (and women). I've known this since birth, almost.  Then...I went to college.  I took a class called Ancient Medieval Political Thought taught by Dr. Hoda Zhaki, a phenomenal professor and then head of the Political Science Department at Hampton University.  I fell in love. The ancient philosopher who affected me most was Socrates. He was the man! Ok. Class is in session. Test. What's so great about Socrates? How did he affect positive change in the world? Times up. I'll tell you. (I'm so excited!)  He caused people to challenge the societal question what was always accepted and/or acceptable...and to figure out answers to life's issues for themselves. He influenced people to use their own common sense to question their ideals and ideologies; thus to take a look at themselves as a society. He encouraged "inner" reflec...