I am inspired. I am completely and utterly convinced that my purpose on earth is to affect a positive change in the minds of men (and women). I've known this since birth, almost. Then...I went to college. I took a class called Ancient Medieval Political Thought taught by Dr. Hoda Zhaki, a phenomenal professor and then head of the Political Science Department at Hampton University. I fell in love. The ancient philosopher who affected me most was Socrates. He was the man!
Ok. Class is in session. Test. What's so great about Socrates? How did he affect positive change in the world?
Times up. I'll tell you. (I'm so excited!) He caused people to challenge the societal norms...to question what was always accepted and/or acceptable...and to figure out answers to life's issues for themselves. He influenced people to use their own common sense to question their ideals and ideologies; thus to take a look at themselves as a society. He encouraged "inner" reflection and open debate about ethics, morals, values, justice, politics, family, and so on. In doing so, he influenced people to change their minds, thoughts, and ways. How did he do this? He asked them questions. That's all.
Well, I can't imitate Socrates. It just wouldn't be right to try. But he did motivate me to impel society to take a look at itself. To point out situations and occurrences within New York City society that, specifically, reflect negatively on societal growth, and in my opinion, humanity as a whole. My goal is to encourage people to "see" themselves and make changes where necessary, in order to instigate a helpful and altruistic ramification in our communities. It is my hope that people will look out for one another, be receptive of differences rather than ignorant and neglectful, and consider societal issues that could possibly affect everyone in one way or another.
So I'm going to tell you about my morning commute every day. I have no idea what I will see or experience within the 35 minutes it takes me to walk from home to the train in Brooklyn, and ride to my stop on 57th Street in Manhattan. But I promise to do my best to educate, enlighten, and hopefully sometimes, entertain you.
I have to be honest, the first story is just nasty. But it's true. And all the stories won't be gross. Some will be shameful... funny... inspiring... interesting... insightful... unbelievable...you know, the stuff I see everyday that I think is worth saying something about for whatever reason.
I hope you enjoy and learn from the blog.
Peace and Love,
A Girl Changing the World
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