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Friday, September 16. The Loud Talkers

Ok so.  Friday is finally here and I am so happy to drag myself to plane, train, or automobile (I've done it all!) Nothing beats commuting on that day when you feel you can finally rest your mind.  The common thought is that Friday doesn't count anyway.  Yet, you still want things to go a certain way, right?

So we get on the train and I immediately get a seat. I like the way this Friday is starting out. :-) But woe, there are two men sitting across from me, speaking Spanish in a very loud, deep, nasally...did I mention loud, deep, and nasally voice? Now I know that people have freedom of speech and can talk as loud or as long as they want, saying whatever they want, no matter how much it annoys me.  But still. Do they have to practice their freedoms at 7:20 AM in the morning?  I mean, I believe it to be common consensus that all us early morning subway riders expect, no...demand (yeah, I said it!) peace and quiet.  We don't wanna hear your cell phone argument with your significant other, we don't think little Timmy is cute as he cries till snot comes out of his nose and gasps for breath, we don't want to hear two gals chattin' it up about clothes or shoes or hair or boys...or girls, we don't want to hear your opinion about God or that we're all going to hell.  Maybe you can just hand out a pamphlet, cause God's important.  And we don't want to hear two loud, brawny, but nasally (seriously...the bods did NOT go with the voices...) Spanish men going back and forth about medical insurance during the morning commute.(And yes, I speak Spanish. If I didn't, it probably wouldn't have bothered me as much because I could have tuned it out. Maybe.)  Anyway, first thing on the morning commute, most of us just want to close our eyes, or read our paper and get ready to go in and end this trying week we've just had.  Is that too much to ask? Apparently so.  I guess no one took a moment to consider this when they wrote the 1st Amendment.  Perhaps I should suggest an addendum  where we can fix this.  Or maybe I should have them arrested and say they  were inciting me to riot... Hee hee. Just joking. Seriously.

Lesson:  Buy a nice pair of headphones.  They are a smart investment for a peaceful train ride on the NYC subway.

A Girl Changing The World.


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