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Monday, August 22. Did I Really Just See That?! Ewww

Ok so I am waiting on the train platform for the Q train, and letting all others pass by because I want to go directly home and not have to switch trains. As I am standing there, a train stops and I let my eyes wander over the diversity of people types (hahaha people types) sitting/ standing on the train. It's not full so I can see everyone very well.  Since it is still summer, and I am into shoes I glance at the people's feet.  

One man in particular catches my eye because he has his leg crossed--the man way--and he is frantically digging in between his toes.  He has on something similar to Teva sandals so all of his toes are out and have probably made friends with the dirty New York sidewalk, where people spit and animals poop and pee (And some people too...explanation to come in a later blog.)  I watch this man with growing curiosity because as he desperately digs in between his big and second toe, he starts picking at the skin around the outer edge of the toe and looking anxiously up and down the subway car.  I wondered if he was embarrassed to be in public digging and picking his toes, so intrigued to see f he would notice anyone notice his actions, I continued to watch.  I did not expect to see what happened next.

Mr. Toe Man picked of a huge piece of dead skin...big enough for me to see from the train platform, and popped it into his mouth and began to chew on it. What the...?!! I had never. I hope never to again.  But I am interested in people so it was, and will be, extremely difficult to tear my eyes away from  phenomenons of which I have no comprehension or experience.

The lesson(s):  1. Mind my business and I won't get grossed out.  2. People (types LOL) do some of the weirdest things when they don't think anyone is watching.

A Girl Changing the World


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