Ok so. It's bad enough that it's Monday. Like many Americans, I had no intention of working a job that I can barely stand. I had dreams of having a fulfilling career and being someone important, happy, and well...for lack of a better word, fulfilled. I'm still on my path but never the less, it's Monday and I have to do what I have to do in the meanwhile.
So I'm on my way to my job :-) and everything is pretty normal (that's not necessarily good...)on the way. I rush out of the house about 5 minutes late. Rush up the 4 blocks to the train. Wait on the platform FOREVER for a train to come. Get on . Stand up and hold on for dear life. Then, wait! What's this?! A seat has become available at the first train stop! And it's diagonally in front of me! I move toward it excited about closing my eyes for a few more minutes. I mean, I admit it, some of us should not be let loose on the world without 9 full hours of sleep or after 9:00 AM--whichever comes first. So I feel in my soul that I need this seat like people need water and air. Hmmm...actually it's more like people need law enforcement to protect them from people like me who haven't had much sleep and don't like being up in the morning. So let me tell you how the story unfolded.
I move toward the seat, sheer joy running through my veins, and I am intercepted! Scared off even! Me! Picture a cute little guppy (me) swimming happily in life and running almost head on into a megalodon monster shark. Yikes! Well she was like that. She glared at me with intense, scarey, beady eyes and dared me to cross her path least I be eaten or savagely brutalized. I stopped in my tracks like you would if you ran up on a bank robbery in progress. (Whoa!) She plopped herself down in the seat and rolled her eyes at me. Then she folded her arms across her chest and closed her eyes. I sighed and stood up and held on for two more stops. Mama ain't raise no fool!
Lesson: Some beasts are savage. Save yourself! Let them have it. Live to sit another day. LOL
*Pictures taken from the web.
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