Ok so. Many different types of people rely on the subway as public transportation to and fro the very important and diverse destinations they must get to. Places such as work, play, and school to name a few. So if you live in New York City and you have a day job, you get up at an obscene hour in the morning, drag yourself out of the house and to the train, and look around for a seat, usually finding none available. You stand up and hold onto the pole, which in most cases is located over the heads of those holding the proverbial power and are seated on the proverbial thrones also known as subway seats. One such royal subject was the little boy seated in front of me today who seemed to be uncomfortable with all of my cute, sexy self hovering over him.
It's pathetic and sort of funny all at the same time. Let me be honest, there really isn't anything cute or sexy about me at 7:00 in the morning, especially while I am standing up and trying to hold on for dear life on a "movey," jerky train. I wear flat shoes. Dress corporate and boring. And usually look as if I am sleep walking--and I probably am on most mornings. I look kind of like this: Picture. Ok kidding. That's Tyra Banks. I look more like this in the morning on the way to my job: Picture. Ok kidding again! That's our beautiful first lady, Mrs. Obama. But trust me. It's not much to see. I'm just kind of there. Holding on. With an expression on my face that's a cross between sleepiness, anger, and disappointment.
So this little boy who appeared to be about 12 years old is seating in the seat in front of me. I was trying to figure out if he was new to NY or if pretty, black women just made him nervous because he kept glancing up at me and fidgeting with his thumbs and his cell phone. Every time his eyes met mine he looked like a mouse caught by a cat and hurriedly looked away. I'm not gonna lie, it was very tempting not to mess with him and just keep a fixated gaze on his face. But then I thought that would be borderline psycho-child harrassment or something, so I didn't. I tried my best to look other places. The problem was I wanted his seat and kept hoping he was getting off soon. So I kept looking back at him to see if he was stirring to stand up and leave. That's all. If he's reading this, listen, offer grown ups your seat! You're young and agile. I'm young-ish, cute, and not-so-agile. Come on Dude! Give up the seat already so I can stop looking at you! LOL
Lesson: What are they telling these kids about manners? AND Everyone looking at you isn't stalking you. Some of them are stalking your seat on the train! Give it up! ;-)
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