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Tuesday, September 27. Spillage

Ok so. Let's face it. It takes all kinds of human beings to make up this eclectic universe of ours. It would just be boring to see one clone after another after another. We are diverse and interesting creatures. That's how God made us. And some of us take up a little less space than others, while some of us take up a lot more. That's neither here or there and frankly, I don't have an opinion about it...except for when you squeeze into the seat beside me and either sit on me or push me uncomfortably out of my seat. That's just not fair. Let's talk about it.

I know this is a touchy subject for some people but I said i would tell about my morning commute and this is actually what happened. I'm a size 7/8. I work hard to maintain that. I hit a certain age and sugar and carbs became my enemy. It is what it is. I belong to Weight Watcher's and have been going for nearly two years now. I also work out 3-4 times a week. I'm not saying that heavier people don't, but what I am saying is that I work hard to fit in my seat, wear the clothes I want to wear, and look how I want to look. Even still, I am not what I would consider skinny. There are some spaces that I do not fit in.

Let it be noted that the seats on the subway are already chiseled out and are not very big. I can understand being larger than the seat and still wanting to sit down. However, I would not try to squeeze myself into them at the inconvenience of myself or another person. I consider it simply, respecting the personal space of another.

So this morning, I am sitting on the train reading my magazine and minding my own business. All of a sudden, a person rather larger than myself backed into (that's right...backed...hind-parts first...) into the seat between me and the pole. As I watched the rear end coming toward me, I thought to myself, "Is she serious? She can't think she will fit!" Well, lemme tell you that she either thought she would fit, or she didn't care that she wouldn't because she did not stop backing up. I leaned way over to make room. I scooched to the edge of the seat without falling out. Still she came. Then there was a satisfied plop...and she literally pushed me, although I think accidentally, halfway out of the seat. I honestly felt bad for her. She looked apologetic and embarrassed, not like run, leap, push lady or attitude shark lady. I told her it was ok and got up and let her have the seat.

Lesson: Personally, I try not to invade others personal space. (I'm a germaphobe, though...) But if it happens to you, I say just handle it peacefully and with kindness. You never know someone's reasons...and you should feel lucky that you were taught to consider others.

A Girl Changing the World


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