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Thursday, September 29. I can't Remember....but it was all happening sooo slowly.

Ok so. Have you ever had one of those days where you are so tired that you don't know if you are coming or going, and you find yourself walking into walls, only to realize that you are half asleep and you really don't know where you are? Well, I had that kind of morning.

I honestly cannot tell you how I got to the train, on it, to work, and made it through the morning.  All I know is I stopped at this particular Burger King on the way in--something I never do--with the intention of getting a three piece french toast sticks and a coffee. The girl took almost 20 minutes to make it. I was 2nd in line and thought it would only take a couple of minutes.  Ha!!  Who said fast food had to be fast?  They should just called it "SomethinOrNuther" now.  It's not the healthiest choice, and the fact that it used to be something quick has now been negated by the irksome, sloth-like motion of the employees. Sigh.  I was honestly too tired to say anything.  I waited quietly, and impatiently...glaring at the coffee machine as if it were the machine's fault no one decided to brew anything inside it for the morning breakfast rush.

Eventually I made it to work.

Lesson:  I dunno.  I'm too tired to figure one out.  You decide. 

A Girl Trying To Make It Through The Day. ;-)


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