Ok so. I know you New Yorkers have probably been trying to figure out which train I take. Believe me, it's not the worst one, but still, I think I would like to keep that information private because some New Yorkers are crazy and I don't wanna be stalked. No offense to you crazy ones, I just want to stay safe and don't want you looking for me. I go through enough in the mornings! Now that I got that out of the way, let me tell you about the insensitive game of musical trains today's conductor played.
So I get up, get myself to the train platform, get on the train when it comes, and eventually sit down. At the 14th Street stop I close my eyes thinking I'll catch a rest for 15 minutes. The train moseyed along. We got to 34th Street and we stopped moseying. I sat with my eyes closed waiting for the "Stand clear of the closing doors" announcement followed by the "ding, ding." Nothing happened. I opened my eyes and met the eyes of other worrying travelers. Our eyes all seemed to be saying the same thing, "What's the hold up? I'm gonna be late for work...again." A couple of minutes went by. We are all looking around the train car now, as if the answer lies on the walls, the floor, in the air, or in each others worried and annoyed eyes. Finally, there is movement...just not our train. Across the platform, another train pulls into the station. I wonder if we have been waiting the last five minutes for this train so they can get on some sort of schedule. (New Yorkers stop laughing. They really are on a schedule. Seriously! Stop laughing! Ok. I give up.) So...this train pulls into the station across the platform and people on my train go running across to the other one. I wait for an announcement. None happen so I go running across to the other one too. Then we hear an announcement. Now mind you, the announcements you hear in the station are worse than going through the Micky Dee's drive through when the system's wires have a short in it. And, the station carries echoes. So some conductor--not sure which train he was on...I thought it was the new train's conductor...the one I was now sitting on, said loudly and almost indecipherably, "The train across the platform will be the first to leave. The train across the platform will be the first to leave!!" Mind you he didn't say the name of the train...A, B, C, E, N, R, Q, etc... I was convinced that the announcement was made by the conductor of the new train, so I get off and go running back to the original train I was on before they close the doors and leave without me. I need to be to work on time. By the way, I was extremely annoyed at having to interrupt my rest to go runnin' across platforms at 7:45 in the morning! As soon as I sit down and breathe out, happy that I made it across the platform before my train leaves, the newly arrived train that I just ran from shut it's doors and pulled off. I felt like a fool. I can only imagine how many people called me that. But all I could do was wait on the train I started out on and get to work when I got there.
Lesson: Sometimes MTA sucks. Just deal with it. Ughh.
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