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Showing posts from 2011

Tuesday, November 22. She's Baaaaack!!!

Ok so. I took some time off from writing this blog because honestly, we've had a very busy season at work and I just didn't have time to write. How depressing is that?! (Other creative souls know what I mean...) But I am back in full effect and will soon have to catch you up on a few things I just could not pass up the opportunity to point out. After all, you can't make this stuff up. It is so difficult to be a germaphobe living in New York City. Let me tell ya. HARD. This morning on the Q train, this man was sitting in the seat in front of me, as I stood and held on for dear life, picking dried skin from the palm of his hand (How dry does one's hand have to be to be able to pick dried skin flakes off the palm??) and brushing them to the floor.  Now mind you, I am shorter than many people (all my taller friends just hush up right now!) and can barely reach high enough over my head to hold onto the metal bar transit placed up there for tall people... so I have to sta...

Monday, October 3. Looking, Staring, Glaring Lady

Ok so.  When you are sleep walking your way to a dead end job at 7:00 in the  morning, you tend to notice things no one else does because you are moving in slow motion and have more time to observe the craziness around you. Let's talk about Staring, looking, scanning lady. My train pulled into a station and I tried wearily to hold my head up without reaching up and doing it physically.  I didn't get a seat on the train and thus stood staring out the dirty window of the train car onto the wooden bench on the platform crowded with people.  One woman stood out.  No, she was not oddly dressed petting a skunk on her lap and eating with her feet like some New Yorkers. Hey! I'm sayin' it happens! But what made her interesting was that she was beautiful, was very well dressed, and had hair and make up to envy.  (What? I'm into hair and make up! I'm SO friggin cute in this picture! Thanks Lady Leo Hair Salon in Brooklyn!) But seeing another woman with herself put...

Friday, September 30. If It Wasn't Friday, I'd Be Screwed.

Ok so. Zzzzzzz... Ok so. Zzzzzzzzzz... Sorry! Just...sooo...sleepyzzzzzzzz. Brb Ok so. I went to bed at 10 and was up at 6. Then I was up again at 6:30...and again at 6:48.  That time, I actually got up and rushed slowly to work.  I got on the train and sat down. It was then that I realized that it was day two of Rosh Hashanah and that there were many seats available as quite a few people had taken the day off to celebrate.  I actually fell somewhat asleep until we got to my stop and I got off the train.   I walk into my office building, dragging my will behind me. I smell the Buck's coffee brewing.  My nose forces me to heed to the call of the coffee.  I go into Starbuck's inside my building to order my favorite coffee.  There's some dude in line ahead of me who orders a bottle of the vanilla syrup they use to make the drinks.  It takes them (dude and the cashier) five minutes to complete his order and get him out of the way.  I'm la...

Thursday, September 29. I can't Remember....but it was all happening sooo slowly.

Ok so. Have you ever had one of those days where you are so tired that you don't know if you are coming or going, and you find yourself walking into walls, only to realize that you are half asleep and you really don't know where you are? Well, I had that kind of morning. I honestly cannot tell you how I got to the train, on it, to work, and made it through the morning.  All I know is I stopped at this particular Burger King on the way in--something I never do--with the intention of getting a three piece french toast sticks and a coffee. The girl took almost 20 minutes to make it. I was 2nd in line and thought it would only take a couple of minutes.  Ha!!  Who said fast food had to be fast?  They should just called it "SomethinOrNuther" now.  It's not the healthiest choice, and the fact that it used to be something quick has now been negated by the irksome, sloth-like motion of the employees. Sigh.  I was honestly too tired to say anything.  I waited...

Wednesday, September 28. Uncomfortable Little Boy

Ok so. Many different types of people rely on the subway as public transportation to and fro the very important and diverse destinations they must get to. Places such as work, play, and school to name a few.  So if you live in New York City and you have a day job, you get up at an obscene hour in the morning, drag yourself out of the house and to the train, and look around for a seat, usually finding none available.  You stand up and hold onto the pole, which in most cases is located over the heads of those holding the proverbial power and are seated on the proverbial thrones also known as subway seats. One such royal subject was the little boy seated in front of me today who seemed to be uncomfortable with all of my cute, sexy self hovering over him. It's pathetic and sort of funny all at the same time.  Let me be honest, there really isn't anything cute or sexy about me at 7:00 in the morning, especially while I am standing up and trying to hold on for dear life on a "...

Tuesday, September 27. Spillage

Ok so. Let's face it. It takes all kinds of human beings to make up this eclectic universe of ours. It would just be boring to see one clone after another after another. We are diverse and interesting creatures. That's how God made us. And some of us take up a little less space than others, while some of us take up a lot more. That's neither here or there and frankly, I don't have an opinion about it...except for when you squeeze into the seat beside me and either sit on me or push me uncomfortably out of my seat. That's just not fair. Let's talk about it. I know this is a touchy subject for some people but I said i would tell about my morning commute and this is actually what happened. I'm a size 7/8. I work hard to maintain that. I hit a certain age and sugar and carbs became my enemy. It is what it is. I belong to Weight Watcher's and have been going for nearly two years now. I also work out 3-4 times a week. I'm not saying that heavier ...

Monday, September 26. Lady With An Attitude Coming Through!

Ok so.  It's bad enough that it's Monday.  Like many Americans, I had no intention of working a job that I can barely stand. I had dreams of having a fulfilling career and being someone important, happy, and well...for lack of a better word, fulfilled. I'm still on my path but never the less, it's Monday and I have to do what I have to do in the meanwhile.   So I'm on my way to my job :-) and everything is pretty normal (that's not necessarily good...)on the way.  I rush out of the house about 5 minutes late. Rush up the 4 blocks to the train.  Wait on the platform FOREVER for a train to come. Get on . Stand up and hold on for dear life.  Then, wait! What's this?! A seat has become available at the first train stop! And it's diagonally in front of me! I move toward it excited about closing my eyes for a few more minutes. I mean, I admit it, some of us should not be let loose on the world without 9 full hours of sleep or after 9:00 AM--whichever co...

Friday, September 23. It's Friday So Who Cares?

Ok so. It's one of those days when you get up knowing that it is the beginning of your weekend and you could care less about rushing to work, about the attitudes you know you will face once you arrive, or about the cranky, sleepy, "stingy with the seats" New Yorkers you will encounter on your commute. I can honestly tell you that it is all a blur. LOL I could care less about anything they said, did, or intended unless they touched me. (I admit I'm a self-proclaimed germaphobe .) I am so happy that it is Friday that I didn't even mind the large lady with the attitude who sat beside...or rather halfway on me, so much.  I just scooched (I'm southern. We make up words...) I scooched over as far as I could go and gave her more seat. I admit, I was like ewww, gross, ugh!! But only for a moment.  I made a mental note to use an alcohol wipe (I said I was a germaphobe , didn't I?) and move on toward the weekend. Lesson:  There's not many things, even an uninv...

Thursday, September 22. These Girls Just Wouldn't Shut Up & Then They Followed Me!

Ok so.  Ever have one of those subway rides, or any public transportation ride, where you don't own it so you can't say anything about the incessant chatter disturbing your peace?  If you own the car or plane or whatever, you can tell people what to do. I remember my mom going down the highway and my little brother and I would be in the backseat practicing our beat boxing.  I figure she stood as much tongue rolling brrrrrrr, puttering, wickedy wicky and spa-spa-spiggity-ing that she could because she  glared in her mirror and, having been quiet the entire road trip, shocked the mess out of us when she yelled something like, "I'm gonna slap the ish outta y'all in a minute!"  We stopped abruptly; shocked at this sudden threatening outburst.  Then we snickered hysterically.  As if she couldn't hear that . (Sidebar:  I'm wondering if I really want children. Little needy, but loving, antagonists who never go away...sigh. Yeah, I do.) Ok back to the sto...

Wednesday, September 21. I Came. I Sat. I Left.

Ok so.  Some days you just luck out.   I got up and got out of the house in time to be on time to work.  I step into the train car and there are seats.  I pause and glare at the seat before I sit because some New Yorkers leave all kinds of wet mess in the seats and once you sit in it, forgeddaboudit (the last definition in the video you just watched)'re contaminated.  So make sure you look before you sit!  My seat is empty so I sit in it.  I ride all the way to my train stop.  I exit the train.  I come in to work.   Now that's  when all the drama started. LOL But it's all good.  It's only a matter of time before I channel my inner David Allen Coe from his 1978  album, Family Album and email a you tube of him or Johnny Paycheck covering that famous song that inspired a film by the same name.  Hee hee Lesson:  Sometimes it actually all works out according to plan so don't give up yet! Remembe...

Tuesday, September 20. I Always Choose The Wrong One

Ok so.  I know you New Yorkers have probably been trying to figure out which train I take.  Believe me, it's not the worst one, but still, I think I would like to keep that information private because some New Yorkers are crazy and I don't wanna be stalked. No offense to you crazy ones, I just want to stay safe and don't want you looking for me. I go through enough in the mornings! Now that I got that out of the way, let me tell you about the insensitive game of musical trains today's conductor played. So I get up, get myself to the train platform, get on the train when it comes, and eventually sit down.  At the 14th Street stop I close my eyes thinking I'll catch a rest for 15 minutes. The train moseyed along.  We got to 34th Street and we stopped moseying.  I sat with my eyes closed waiting for the "Stand clear of the closing doors" announcement followed by the "ding, ding."  Nothing happened.  I opened my eyes and met the eyes of other worry...

Monday, September 19. Just One of Those Days

Ok so.  It's Monday morning and my husband's brass, impertinent, and boisterous alarm clock goes off at 5:00 AM. (Long pause while you take that in...)'s the thing.  HE DOESN'T HAVE TO WORK TODAY!!! His alarm clock goes off and he makes a big to do about getting his 6'2" self out of bed, still asleep, groaning and talking incoherently in a deep, raspy voice that sounds like he's playing in a 20 inch box fan ; like you did when you were little.  And this whole dramatic episode wakes me up and annoys the crap outta me.  I'm laying there looking at him like he's an idiot. Seriously! And I love this man. So I say something like, "Just turn it off! I'm trying to sleep my last hour!" And he says something annoying about he's trying.  Now I have to try to force myself back to sleep.  Gee...thanks Honey.  What a way to start your Monday morning! ( I love you, Sweetheart. :-) ) I roll out of bed and get going when my alarm cloc...

Friday, September 16. The Loud Talkers

Ok so.  Friday is finally here and I am so happy to drag myself to plane, train, or automobile (I've done it all!) Nothing beats commuting on that day when you feel you can finally rest your mind.  The common thought is that Friday doesn't count anyway.  Yet, you still want things to go a certain way, right? So we get on the train and I immediately get a seat. I like the way this Friday is starting out. :-) But woe, there are two men sitting across from me, speaking Spanish in a very loud, deep, nasally...did I mention loud, deep, and nasally voice? Now I know that people have freedom of speech and can talk as loud or as long as they want, saying whatever they want, no matter how much it annoys me.  But still. Do they have to practice their freedoms at 7:20 AM in the morning?  I mean, I believe it to be common consensus that all us early morning subway riders expect, no... demand (yeah, I said it!) peace and quiet.  We don't wanna hear your cel...

Thursday, September 15. What A Difference Some SLeep Makes!

Ok so.  Yesterday I was fit to be tied...or rather unfit because I was tired .  ...In nearly every sense of the word.  That night, I went to bed earlier than I had in months and woke up without the alarm for the first time in months, as well! I felt well rested and happy to be alive!  I got up, kissed the hubby, said my morning prayer, fed Winston (my beautiful Russian Blue cat), showered, got dressed, kissed the hubby goodbye as he prepared for work, and left early enough to stroll to the train instead of run. That felt amazing.  I could actually experience the sounds, the colors, the breeze... It was quite nice way to start my morning commute; on time and awake . :-) Leaving early and all I arrived at the platform early enough to be unconcerned that a train was pulling away as I approached.  The next one came and I boarded. It was overly crowded but for some reason I didn't care that much.  I stood up like the majority of commuters (because ther...

Wednesday, September 14. Let's Just Get Past This Work Day

Ok so. Some work days are better left undiscussed.  You go through the motions and you move on.  It's not that one is that much different from the's more a case of how you feel about the daily activities.  I awoke very tired.  I had not been getting much sleep.  It's really that simple.  But it's funny that when you try to talk about your feelings with most people they never quite understand the magnitude of how you feel because they are not experiencing the same thing as you at the moment.  However, have you ever noticed that when they do go through something they lose it, freak out, shut down, etc.? With all that being said, I was feeling in such a way that my morning commute didn't even matter. I was tired.  My body hurt. My eyes were heavy and wanted to close. I had to press my way through the day even though all I wanted was to go back to bed and get some good sleep! All I can tell you is that I got to the train, got on the train, ...

Tuesday, September 13. It Has To Get Better Than This.

Ok so.  One thing I learned when studying public relations at NYU was that you shouldn't lie, or "spin" the truth to get the reaction you want.  I actually don't want a reaction, but wish to enlighten you.  In light of that, this morning's blog post is going to be straight from the heart, whether it is what you are expecting or not.  Seriously, it has to get better than this. Whether or not people will admit it, most of us are over worked, underpaid, ignored, berated, and/or exploited every single day on our jobs.  As a result, I would not be surprised if more than half of people working are fighting some form of depression.  As late as February 2011, it is recorded that there are over 45 million Americans with some form of mental illness including anxiety and depression. If you read the article attached to the link, you will see that is almost 20 percent of Americans who just "ain't right."  How did we get this way? As of May 2011, depression alone...

Monday, September 12. I Just Want To Sit Down-Thank you!

Ok so.  Why is it that with so many things to be grateful for in the world, life, air, hope, job, family, food, pets, clothes, opportunity, etc, that all I wanted today was a seat on the train?  Is something wrong with me? Am I an ingrate because I wanted to sit down more than anything else in the world this morning? I mean, don't get me wrong.  When I woke up, I thanked God for everything.  I am happy to be alive.  I am happy to have the opportunity to change my mind, my destiny, and the world. ;-) But I also wanted the opportunity to sit down on the train and ride to work.   It is not my fault that the train makes 25 stops before it gets to mine.  It is not my fault that everybody and his mama has to ride the same train at the same exact time.  It is not my fault that MTA doesn't see fit to institute more trains during rush hour.  It's not your fault if you got there and got a seat before me.  So I blame no one individual (except...

Friday, September 9. Bum Rush the Door!

Ok so. Today I actually had a coveted commute.  I left on time. It wasn't raining. I strolled happily (well...NY happy) along the four blocks to the train. One of those blocks is about a half mile long... But nothing bothered me much, save for the lady walking directly behind me right on my heels. I wondered why she didn't just go around or at least step to the side, but whatever. As I walked gingerly along, strangers smiled at me. I smiled back. (Yeah! Me!!) They smiled at me so much that I wondered why and felt around my hat and face to see if I had left some unwanted object there. I did rub in that acne cream, right? As soon as possible, I checked my reflection in a store window.  My whole world was beautiful. I get to the platform. A train comes within five minutes.  I look at my iPhone (watch...same difference) and it is exactly 8:31.  Great! I'll be on time and I don't have to silently stress. There isn't anywhere to sit once I step into the subway car, but t...

Thursday, September 8. The Sigher...

Ok so. We're all packed on the train. It's still raining.  You know how it is when the earth is super dirty and you start growing gills because you swim instead of walk.  Well, it's been raining like that . This is like day 400 of grey, cloudy, rainy mess and people are over it.  It's enough to be packed shoulder to face to butt to backpack with strangers, but wet strangers is even worse.  We all want the train to hurry up and let us off! But no.  Why would it do that?  After all, it is the New York City subway system.  Life is supposed to be a adventure, even, when you ride the train.  I mean, think about it, if nothing ever happened, you'd be quite bored.  Or is the word, content? Hmmm...there's a fine line.  I digress. The sigher. (Sigh) So we're packed into our car on the train, dripping wet, and trying to maneuver our backpacks, pocketbooks, tote bags, and umbrellas so they are not poking or nudging, or dripping o...

Wednesday, September 7. Rain, Rain, Rain...Wet Seats... & School's In.

Ok so. It's my first day back after taking a week long vacation. I needed it!! I went down south and thoroughly enjoyed driving and not taking the train! Sorry New Yorkers! It is what it is.  So now, I am back to work and I have to schlep uphill to the train, wait for it...wait for it... get on and stand up and hold on, just like before, only today was worse for two reasons. One, the students are back in school. Booh hissss! I'll never get a seat on the train now. And two, it's been raining for 40 days and 40 nights! So I am completely unprepared that it's only 60 degrees when I step out of the house. Really? Just cause it's September now, Summer just picked up and left? Ughhh.  So I grab a jean jacket and rush out the door only to find that there are puddles everywhere. I have on cute little ballerina know fall shoes!!  And I need to have on rubber wellies or boots. I cannot believe Summer's gone. Just like that.  So the rain wets me and my crappy...

Tuesday, August 30. Somewhat peaceful & Mostly Uneventful...

Ok so.  I have to be honest.  When I was a flight attendant, I used to pray before every take off, that my trip be peaceful and uneventful.  I mean, think about thank you!! I'd do my service, then do my homework or read my InStyle magazine and be content. So When I quit, the habit, unfortunately didn't stick. This rushing to wait for a train thing is a whole other world to me. So since I forgot to ask that things be uneventful,  I went through some of the most unimaginable things you can picture.  (See my other blog-- The Receptionist ) Now, I'm takin' it back to the days of old.  So this morning, I said a quick prayer, and I was off. The commute started off with "time" deciding to speed up on me, and as I am trying to get the antibiotic (pill) down my cat's throat, (he caught himself a little staff infection) I realize I need to leave immediately in order to be on time.  He swallowed it. I scream at the hubby...

Monday, August 29. I know They Said Delays But It Is Coming, Right?

Ok so. In lieu of the hurricane that passed over the entire East coast this past weekend, the NYC MTA was shut down in case of flooding and other electrical problems.  I think that was very smart of them.  They announced on Sunday that they should have everything up and running for Monday morning's commute, however, they warned us to expect delays.  Now, I have to tell you that the MTA says to expect delays anytime something normal rains, there's a Yankees game, the President's in town (as if he is riding the train), the sun shines. (You get the idea.) So it didn't move me to leave any earlier that 20-30 minutes.  My commute is only 22 minutes long, once a train picks me up; and since I don't have to be at work until 8:00, I thought arriving to the train platform at 7:08 AM was doing something special! I mean let's face it... in order to get up, get dressed, feed the cat, kiss the hubby, get out the door, walk/run 3 1/2 blocks, swipe my metro card,...

Friday, August 26 Pt.2. Bicyclists Command The Road

Ok so.  After I get shoved on the train this morning and am trying to be the best God fearing person I can and don't hit her over the head with my cans of tuna I am carrying to work, I walk outside and see a bicyclist racing up 6th Avenue, almost as fast as the yellow cabs are going.  He's got on his cute, colorful bicyclist these:  Cyclists (I got that pic online--these weren't the guys) and he's yelling at the cars to move outta his way. Seriously.  He's so loud that us walkers are looking at him to see what's all the commotion.  He even smacked the window of one car with his hand as they rode in the same direction.  The cab driver laughed.  I'll bet he was saying to himself, "I can easily run over you with my car, but I don't want the drama today... Maybe another time we meet again." Lesson:  Yell at cars and make them move outta your way!  Nah.  Share the road.  Cars are a tad bit bigger than bicycles so maybe y...

Friday, August 26. The Golden Seats That Cleanse and Renew

Ok so. I don't know if you know this, but the seats on the subway are coveted because they are rumored to have healing powers! It is rumored that they cleanse, renew, and change people's mundane lives into something resplendent and new!  And all you have to do is sit in it! That's why everyone runs, leaps, and pushes to get to one. This morning, I'm minding my business and standing where I always stand on the train platform, because I know from experience where the door will be when the train stops. (Because I'm smart like that.) As the doors open and I begin to walk into the car, a woman who had been standing to my right tries to bogart me and starts shoving into me, shoulder to shoulder as I walk into the train.  It's as if she is trying to beat me to the million dollars at the end of the rainbow... I'm sleep walking but I'm a pretty strong girl so I just keep walking as if it's not happening.  There are people trying to get off the train so she ...

Thursday, August 25. And I Left Early For What?

Ok so.  I get up on time, after only getting three hours of sleep.  I got very little sleep because I braided my hair last night and it took a very long time. I did those double-stranded mini twists. It looks so good! (If I do say so myself!) But it took me a very long time to complete it, and complete it I did because I kinda work in the corporate world and I don't think it wise to show up with half your head done... Kinda 80's punk rockish. :-) Which I'm convinced would look very cool, in my personal life. But back to the story. So I get myself out of the house early (How I did that I will never know...) and to the train platform, excited that I am early and just might get a seat today. So I stand there and wait for a train to come.  As I wait, I start day dreaming about all kinds of things. I'm a newly wed (Thank you, thank you! You're very sweet to think that's cool and wish me well!) so I am thinking about my husband, and last night, :-), and his lovely mo...

Wednesday, August 24. Big And Tall Man With A Cane

Ok so.  I'm sleep walking my way to work and praying that I get a seat on the overcrowded train that I never get a seat on. Hopeful, I step into the car when the conductor opens the doors, and glance quickly around. Those of you not familiar with NYC transit (MTA) may not understand why you have to hurry up and sit down when there is a seat available.  Let me explain.  If you spot a seat, and you are two short steps away, please know that although you may be a closer distance to the seat than the man, woman, or child at the other end of the car, you may get knocked out of the way and end up standing--or trying to, as the moving train car jerks you back and forth like a tiny ship tossed at sea. The person who seatjacks you does not even make eye contact with you.  He/she sits triumphantly and either snoozes, reads, or stares off into space--as many New Yorkers do...maybe taking a moment to figure out how to pay the increasingly high rent in the City. (New Yorkers cal...

Tuesday, August 23. Are You Serious?! Who Would Do That?!!

Ok so.  I know I said the first blog posting would be gross but this one takes the cake. I don't even know that I should mention cake in the body of this post... You may not want to eat after you read this one.  Those of you with a weak stomach, just move on now.  Everyone else may want to read this as it ends in a very important warning. I rush up the block, get on the train, actually get a seat, ride to my stop in Manhattan, get off the train, am rushing up the stairs to the freedom of the outdoors, and run into a massive people traffic jam.  I'm thinking, "Oh come on! I'm finally early and you guys are piddling around at the exit?!" What gives, I wonder. Well I soon find out. Someone decided to leave all of us commuters a few big fat, brown, smelly insults on nearly all of the stairs leading to the outdoors. They were all over the stairs.  If you stepped left on one, you would have to hop over the next stair and immediately step right before you foot lands....